Sometimes it is hard to view things objectively when you are in the middle of it, but i think it is very important to save yourself from becoming something -or part of something- that you don't want to be identified with.
This was the case for me when I found myself working for an employer whose work practices and ethics I couldn't personally subscribe to. I know it is hard for most people to just get up and go away from a bad work situation, specially since it isn't so easy to find a job these days and financial responsibilities do not 'take breaks', but, if you have the possibility, I suggest that you save yourself from being a part of something that does not match who you are as a private person or as a professional, because little by little 'we' become that who we practice. If your employer is disrespectful to you, doesn't value your work, or treats you in a way that you feel is uncalled for, do not just sit and 'take it' because they are your employer. Politely let them know what you don't consider acceptable and decline to continue in that situation. The longer you wait, the more things might escalate and in the end both sides might be unhappy, so don't wait too long in hopes that things will improve. If things don't change and improve quickly, most likely they never will. Life is too short not to be true to who we are and what we stand for.
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August 2020