Photography Services
Please scroll down to find price rates.
To view my work samples, follow this Link to my Facebook page,
or find the specific type of sample you need below:
To view my work samples, follow this Link to my Facebook page,
or find the specific type of sample you need below:
Package 1 : Headshot Session
Sale Price $100! (Regular Price $150)
Package 2 : Headshot Session – Best Value! Sale Price: $250! (Regular Price $200)
Engagement / Save the Date – Photo Session Sale Price: $249! (Regular Price $300)
Feel free to contact me regarding other shoots or graphics work and I’ll be glad to send you a quote. |
Product Photography Seamless Background, shot in Manhattan at my private studio (must drop off and pick up product yourself).
Image Retouching Including: Blemish removal, Body alteration, Color tone change, Photo quality enhancement, Background setting changes, Visual effects and more! Prices vary, but generally rates are as follows:.
Images can be finished and returned to you in person or over the internet |