Part of my job is to spot places that need help. Since many business owners have no sense of design, it is my responsibility to be able to communicate my ideas to them in a way that is easy to understand what I am seeing. Most people know what looks better if they can see a before and after, but perhaps wouldn't have thought of the idea that I'm presenting to them. By doing this, I can shine a light on something that the owners may not realize they needed, then, granted that there is enough budget to work with, we can take their place to the next level. After analyzing the business concept, I usually develop ad hoc visuals that go with the theme, then I photoshop renderings of different options that would vary dependent on the budget. This restaurant's theme is 'black panthers' and it is a Mexican restaurant. The restaurant is beautifully set up, with brand new everything and exposed brick (which New Yorkers LOVE), and it just needs a little push to take it to the next level. There are some more design recommendations I would make to this business, however I usually like to build upon the changes in order to make everything work best.
As you may or may not have noticed (maybe you just hadn't been here before), my website is going through a complete revamp.
I think as a person evolves, everything is to evolve accordingly and public image>>website, is not to be forgotten. I hope you all find it easier to navigate, as well as more according to my current place in life. This project is a huge one as I have lots of files to reorder as well as lots of others to document and organize. Oh well, life is a work in progress ;) Recently a couple of my friends asked me for some help revising and editing their resumes. I figured this must be a pretty common thing to be dealing with since at school they really only teach you the very basic way to make a "professional resume", not considering hundreds of applicants are fighting to stand out in order to catch the potential employer's eye, and ultimately take YOUR job opportunity. With that in mind, I decided to make a 'How To Make a Pimpin' Resume' post. I'm not going to say my friends resumes were terrible (well, one of them was). However there was some definite work to be done there. You see, they were going with what a formal, average resume looks like, but who wants to be seen as average? I've mostly freelanced and done work for which my portfolio and samples are what matters most rather than my resume so I never really thought about it too much. After going over the flashing images of good and bad resumes I've come across in my time, I figured a resume is the equivalent of the first impression you make when meeting someone, except you aren't there to guide the situation in your favor. Look at it this way, if you were just about to meet a potential employer in person, how would you like to be seen? Would you want to be average, not stand out and seem just like the rest of the contenders? Or would you like to be memorable? Do you want to come across as happy, serious, formal, playful or just plain dull? Resumes are your introduction to a new potential employer, so basically it has to be as appealing as possible and it should represent you and "sell" you to your employer prior to even making contact. With that in mind, here are the Ten Tips to Make a Pimpin' Professional Resume: 1- Establish how you want to be perceived. This is the first thing to figure out. If you are going to work at a Law Firm you obviously don't want to seem like a fun loving party animal, however, the opposite applies if you are looking for a job as a DJ. 2- Clear the extra info. Include contact information but unless it is job related, leave your personal address, age and details that are just taking up space OUT! To some people you'll seem too young and for others too old, so why not just let them wonder?! 3- Be direct and type in what matters. Under each position you've held, don't enter every lame detail of your duties. Only enter what might matter to your potential employer. Sure, jobs sometimes require us to do meaningless tasks, but you don't need to bore people with the details. 4- Figure out a strong design at a glance. Make the page design attractive as a whole. If you take a look at your resume from a bit of distance, does it catch your eye? or does it get lost in a sea of resumes? 5- Edit, edit, edit. Make sure to have an accessible file that you can lightly edit in order to fit your employer's expectations as best as possible. To them you must seem like a job match made in heaven! 6- Don't be afraid to break rules, follow your gut and show off your skills! Always include all your special qualities in there. Are you a leader? do you make a great team player? Blow your own horn and own it! 7- Have an accessible online version of it. Don't underestimate the power of the internet! Have an online version ready to share by link, should the opportunity to share it present itself. Either that or have it saved in your email so you can blast it at a moments notice! Also, if you have a website, make sure to include it on your printed resume! 8- Safe = Boring Enough said. Put some color in it! and don't be cheap when you print it. 9- Get personal and make sure to include a photo of your sexy self. So you are an accountant, and you think image doesn't matter, WRONG! Make yourself presentable and get some professional good looking pictures of yourself. Just make sure you look the part you are going for. And please don't be too sexy! I know this can be a challenge but please try. 10- Get it out there! the worst thing that can happen is they toss it! Share, share, share! Upload it everywhere, post it everywhere, email it to every semi important person you know. It might just fall into the right hands. I hope these tips help you land your next job, or if anything, help you get the foot in the door and land a few more interviews than your old boring resume was! ;) (Blog in spanish / english (english below) Recientemente fui a un interesante evento fotográfico en una galería de arte ubicada en East Harlem, mejor conocido como Spanish Harlem. En la galería encontré una revista llamada Mariachi Times, una revista de "cultura Latina" en NY. La revista no estaba mal, así que decidí visitar la página de internet de esa publicación para saber más sobre ellos, lo que hacen y representan. La página es un desastre. Las gráficas son malas en cuanto a la ejecución y el diseño, parecen haber sido creadas por alguien que no sabe usar Photoshop, además de que la composición es desagradable. Aun con esos problemas, lo que me preocupa más es la forma en la que están representando a la cultura latina. Como pueden ver en la toma de pantalla (la imagen que encabeza este texto), encontrarán un bebé con un sombrero de Mariachi (porque eso es “claramente” lo que se lleva en México), que por cierto es un bebé de ojos azules (porque poner un bebé de ojos café en la portada de Mariachi Times?) Bajo el título, una imagen en rotación muestra un perro Chihuahueño también con un sombrero, y un letrero grande que grita TAMALES!, todo con unos colores que no van muy bien juntos y visualmente, muy pesados. Si quieren dar su opinion, visiten el sitio ustedes mismos y comenten y compartan que opinan en la sección de abajo. La pagina es www, =====ENGLISH================================================ I recently attended an awesome event in a gallery located in East Harlem, otherwise known as Spanish Harlem. At the gallery I found a publication called Mariachi Times, which is a 'Latins in NY' type culture magazine. The actual magazine didn't look too bad at all, so i figured I would check out their website to learn more about who creates the magazine and what they are about. Well, the website is a hot mess. Not only are the graphics bad in terms of the design, but they are put together poorly, as if someone with bad photoshop skills made them. While that is bad, as far as I'm concerned the bigger issue here is the way they are portraying Latin culture. If you see the screenshot I added, you can see a baby wearing Mariachi Sombrero (because that's what babies wear in Mexico), and of course its a blue eyed baby (because, why would you put a brown eyed baby on the cover of the MARIACHI TIMES?). Under the title, a rotating image, shows either a Chihuaha puppy, also wearing a sombrero, or a big sign that says TAMALES, all very color clashing and layed out in a way that feels like knives to the eyes . Feel free to visit the site yourself and let me know any comments in the section below. The website is www,
I was on my way to rehearsal riding the NYC subway, when this poster caught my eye, not because its a great poster, but because it was right in front of me and it looked like something a design student with very little talent might have done for a school project. First I wondered, how did this make it all the way into the subway? Then I thought, WHO approved this to go to print?? The lettering was small, the pictures oddly proportioned and featured the mayor of the town and a boy band more than the attractions of the city being advertised, and a tiny dragon (randomly dropped in the layout), spoke little to me about the culture of this place. You would think someone qualified would need to approve it before letting it go public and having to pay a good chunk of change to put it on the trains. Under normal conditions, I would have just ignored the poster and turned away in search for something more visually appealing, however the train was crowded and I had to go all the way downtown forced to stare at this poor piece of design work, which brought me to carefully analyzing it. While the poster has some seemingly right ingredients: some typical fruits, a few people who are ambassadors to the city, an important political figure, and a bit of their attractions, the mix just isn't right. It truly does not speak to a prospect tourist. Perhaps this helps you see my point. If there were an Ad of the city of New York, done with the same concept, it would be something kind of like this: Awful right? Being aware that this most likely was a mistake, meaning that the city that they are promoting couldn't possibly be THAT bad, and it was more a poor decision on the selection of which ad to run, I decided to do some research on the town once i made it back home. Turns out, Kaohsiung IS an awesome city, and from all that I found, totally worth visiting. It is culturally rich, and full of history, and it is also the home to very avant garde architecture as well as random cool things like a GIANT rubber duck that sits on the river. So with my new knowledge about the city, I decided to create a mock ad that might represent my feelings about this city a little better than what their poster did. In conclusion, no, I don't have all the facts on hand but I'm pretty sure, that showing bananas, a boy band that is allegedly as good as The Beatles (and state it on the poster), and the warm and cozy look of the towns mayor all combined, were definitely not the best choice to try and lure new visitors to spend their hard earned dollars on a vacation there!
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August 2020